In London and in need of a stiff drink? There is only one place to go. Brown’s on Albermarle St, just a hop, skip and a jump form the world famous Dover Street Market. Nestled among the beautiful streets of London’s most exclusive neighbourhood, Mayfair, sits the unassuming, quiet, subtle yet distinctive Brown’s Hotel. Churchill once quipped “I don’t stay in a hotel, I stay at Brown’s”.
From the moment you walk in to moment you stumble out, your experience will undeniably be one of luxury, comfort and joy. From the attention to detail by every member of staff to the most perfect tumbler, your visit will not be a disappointment.
The Donavan Bar is not exactly what you would expect from having walked passed their more tradition drawing room and lobby. Named after British photographer Terrance Donovan, the space is darker, more intimate, more seductive than one might presume. 50 black and white Donovan photos adorn the looming walls as you sip your cocktails. If you want the naughtier pics, sit in the corners. The lighting, perfectly dim. The background noise, elegantly encouraging. The clientele, fascinating. All these elements culminate in a fantastically seductive ambience that encourages you to have that second.. third martini.
To the drinks. Only one drink to order. But be prepared. It’s strong. Very strong.
A gin martini. A Churchill martini.
Churchill had a room here. Much of Churchill’s thinking was done here, and you guessed it a large amount of Churchill's drinking was done here. And his choice tipple? A gin martini. Churchill’s advice on making a martini; “ the only way to make a martini is with ice cold gin and a bow in the direction of France”
It’s not cheap but how often do you want a gin martini? If you haven’t had your fill of Britishness over the course of three Churchill martinis, head next door to Hix for the best British food available to soak up that booze.
Brown’s Hotel, Albermarle St, Mayfair.